
Ok so I finally watched PK youtube BTS and I'm like going crazy!!!!

Buinnie??? What??? On ep 10 of wgm, Hwangbo told him to call her buin. And it means my lady. It's not a common term for wife!!!! And why buinnie? because it's become an endearment!

How about learning how to cook so when buinnie comes home drunk, he can cook for her?!!! We all know how she loves going clubbing, didn't she have a hang over that one time? or prolly a recent incident that's why he's mentioning it!

And the bed scene towards the end where he said it would be nice to be woken up by his wife from the start and there will be no blood or tears??? (belin214 said this is perhaps from her new MV?)...I'm thinking he misses waking up next to his buinnie. And maybe they've been having problems coz he's been working 24 hours a day therefore blood/tears?

Still wondering about the In-young dissing him at the awards. How close is she to buinnie? Or maybe she gotta go to the bathroom really bad! lmao!

Anyway, my joongbo heart is very happy today! My date with my joongbo bff tomorrow is gonna be awesome!!!


  1. Yes I agree with you this is amazing!!

  2. WOAH Elle major JB spazz eh??????? ha ha yeah but whats with all that JSM touching..she can't keep his hands off him LOL.....yeah understandable tho!

  3. Hey Ryuuki, thanks for adding the video! I can't really blame JSM, I'd be all over him myself!

  4. Finally, Jangki ended
    Really happy right now ..haha

    'Buin' - sensitive word for me ...LOL
    love this post ^^

    Ryuuki: me too~~ why she touch KHJ?... from what i see, JSM loves [ really love ] to hit HJ

    aiygoo ..

  5. Good riddance PK ! I already feel better

  6. i don't get the touchy-feely from jsm too


  7. JSM tries to do too much skinship to HJ. Why does she initiate more skinships than HJ? I do not like it at all. Take your hand away when your are not acting JSM. You're not his ideal type at all.

  8. "Buin~~~" *touched*
    that, & "Shinlang" too..I'm super-sensitive whenever I heard those terms mentioned in TV.. my JB syndroms keep getting worse..it seems everything I watched on TV nowadays(esp all the K-related channels) everything, in each show, there will always have little details/things that keep tracking my mind back to HJ or HB or their random lovely moments..

    ellehcar817...thanks for sharing, I've seen the clip many times but each JBers comments are precious & special to me (enough dose for my spazzing today^^)

    btw, sincerely I just hope we don't hate/blame JSM for all that touchy-feely things =D
    she's just another one fine lady...even if we do hate/dislike what she did, seriously we can't blame her ^^

    because I just hate it if that's the reason for disliking her...for that (whatever) reason we start hating her, it could be exactly the same reason used by HB anti-fans back then..they love HJ so much that simple thing (affections like that)could easily be the reason for them to hate HB in the first place...

    well, just my two cents..don't brick me...love you still ^^v
