
Anyong! I'm usually a silent lurker on all things joongbo. I love reading everybody's blogs and tweets so please keep up the good work and many thanks for sharing!!! I am excited to have been invited here at ya'alls Wild Fancy party. And what a WILD FANCY party it is!!! Tuesdays and/or Thursdays are my date night with my bff joongboer. She's usually more active within the party committee so she updates me with all the juicy stuff and we get to spazz over them.

As our couple are busy with their individual activities, it's hard to come by any good CSI-ing lately. Nowadays I read alot of fanfics to satisfy my cravings (so please update your fanfics as I am dying waiting with the cliffhangers you guys leave).

all credits to uploader...

I just wanted to share this video. It's what I watch whenever I'm having a joongbo moment. I love the song and I think it's very fitting to shillang's POV.


  1. woooh its elles new post .........I love the vid!

  2. Wow, I am just realising they really had something good going!! I guess idols life is hard in some ways
