I was just back tracking some videos ..on YouTube and i came upon this precious gem ........before YT deletes i wanted to post it
In this show a celeb gets pranked ...so the celeb here is my lady HB
the Situation involved in the prank is:
A young wannabe idol comes across HB in a Restaurant....
HB is having lunch with her manager......
The young guy introduces himself and tells her that he wants to become an idol like her etc etc....as you can see HB is a very nice person and gives him good advice and asks him about his management company
Obviously the guy has been conned by a fraudulent company ........The company has been milking a lot of money from the idol wannabe ....
So HB figures this out obviously and asks him to call his manager over.........the manager comes and talks very disrespectfully with HB ....she is quite cool with it........and the manager takes more money from the wannabe idol again .........
HB doesn't want to hurt the young dude so she sends him away asking him to fetch something for her and in the meanwhile asks the fake manager to hand over the money .....but when he resists she totally restrains him.....that was so cool .......she is one tough lady.......and is almost ready to get into a physical fight........the guy obviously didn't know what he was getting into....she is a Black belt in Taekwondo after all
watch this and get a glimpse into her awesomeness
Dabel.. s' pretty lady !
The MV director of "I'm still beautiful" HB's latest comeback song.............should be awarded a freakin "oscar " or something ...........and HB should immediately top the "Most Beautiful Woman In the world list". right now!
OK i am not exaggerating..........its been awhile since i saw something that could produce spontaneous tears in my eyes.........
My suggestion ?? please watch this MV in "1280 pixel size" ......it shows off her flawless skin and aww noo....her precious "tears".
No man is worth any woman's tears ! leave alone precious HB's..........its a fact!
Heres the HD link you have to select HD option ok!....1280 px only ...i didn't embed it bcoz it will already be playing in my mixpod by this time.......yay
Oh well i was just getting my daily dose of Hwangbo after watching her new MV about 124 times already and was watching Ohbamah which i thoroughly enjoy.........Oh OHbamah is a show hosted by uri Hwangbo and "baby" Hyungjoon (Li'l bro of Hyunjoong)
I love their interaction in the show and on twitter ....it only shows that they know each other very well offscreen.......ss501 members .......adore HB.....its a fact.......one in particular may i say.....
So to the point.......i was watching Ep 5 of ohbamah ..... U-KISS were their guests.........i like ukiss BTW(bingeul bingeul!!!)
U-kiss showed off their new song........then one of the hosts asked "Baby" to show off too.........and VOILA...........
It was "Love ya " by SS501.............He danced to it infront of Hwangbo who cheered him on..........
That was when i realized that i actually missed SS501 together.........Baby looked kinda lonely when he did that popular jump step that i love.............it was sad to see........a lonely Baby HJB.........
So the thing is i was never a huge fan of SS501......I did like their songs tho........but when i saw that "step" i realized..........
hell they belong together...........just like hj-hb belong together...........and all of them should form a happy -bubbly family..........somehow maybe unknowingly i think i kinda have a soft spot for "dabel S" (SIY) lol
I guess ......reality bites.........OUCH
But then i think i do like their songs...........they are not "autotuned" like 99.9999% of all kpop songs.....and their voices are GOOD.............so "ss501" and "hj-hb" get together already!!!
some of my fave SS501 songs incl:
1.Please be nice to me - by -KHJ (all time fave and luv the piano)
2.Obsess (I love this one )
3.Find (shows off their good vocals)
4.The one ( a happy song :D )
Now this doesn't look LONELY!!!
OK i am not exaggerating..........its been awhile since i saw something that could produce spontaneous tears in my eyes.........
My suggestion ?? please watch this MV in "1280 pixel size" ......it shows off her flawless skin and aww noo....her precious "tears".
No man is worth any woman's tears ! leave alone precious HB's..........its a fact!
Heres the HD link you have to select HD option ok!....1280 px only ...i didn't embed it bcoz it will already be playing in my mixpod by this time.......yay
Oh well i was just getting my daily dose of Hwangbo after watching her new MV about 124 times already and was watching Ohbamah which i thoroughly enjoy.........Oh OHbamah is a show hosted by uri Hwangbo and "baby" Hyungjoon (Li'l bro of Hyunjoong)
I love their interaction in the show and on twitter ....it only shows that they know each other very well offscreen.......ss501 members .......adore HB.....its a fact.......one in particular may i say.....
So to the point.......i was watching Ep 5 of ohbamah ..... U-KISS were their guests.........i like ukiss BTW(bingeul bingeul!!!)
U-kiss showed off their new song........then one of the hosts asked "Baby" to show off too.........and VOILA...........
It was "Love ya " by SS501.............He danced to it infront of Hwangbo who cheered him on..........
That was when i realized that i actually missed SS501 together.........Baby looked kinda lonely when he did that popular jump step that i love.............it was sad to see........a lonely Baby HJB.........
So the thing is i was never a huge fan of SS501......I did like their songs tho........but when i saw that "step" i realized..........
hell they belong together...........just like hj-hb belong together...........and all of them should form a happy -bubbly family..........somehow maybe unknowingly i think i kinda have a soft spot for "dabel S" (SIY) lol
I guess ......reality bites.........OUCH
But then i think i do like their songs...........they are not "autotuned" like 99.9999% of all kpop songs.....and their voices are GOOD.............so "ss501" and "hj-hb" get together already!!!
some of my fave SS501 songs incl:
1.Please be nice to me - by -KHJ (all time fave and luv the piano)
2.Obsess (I love this one )
3.Find (shows off their good vocals)
4.The one ( a happy song :D )
Now this doesn't look LONELY!!!
Post WGM Major JB Events
So a lot of my friends asked me to compile all the events/spazzes that happened after WGM ........without having to go through 1000 pages of soompi..so as i am currently jobless i will try and do that........ obviously i cant do all of them...............so i'll upload what i can remember.......
and this is what i think happened after mount halla.......these happened okay chingus.........the proof is in soompi......go search ...[ if anyone really has 1 week of free time they can go through all pages of soompi JB]
1. So HJ joined the remaining cast of BOF on 19th october....(WGM shoot finished on 16th oct) and started acting (its kinda cringy)
In other words he got carried aways by the schedule and his SS501 the 3 member unit launched a new album so he was busy trying to practice the "UR Man" dance moves or practicing to act .....which he really still needs to improve.
BUT BUT the only good thing in all this is there was a BTS cams of HJ during BOF filming where Hj was going on saying "Yalapongthai" and we all know the word has no meaning and that he calls only HB that.
HB was busy doing her stuff with "Infinity girls" and those girls used to shamelessly rag her about HJ on and off camera.
The vids are orange........just click and vid appears......mianhe most are TUDOU! YT is being YT
In the vid at 0.38 HJ is playing "falling slowly"as usual and forgot his lines LOL!
falling slowly vid BOF
Yalaponthai at 04:03
SS501 had their first fan meet where he was asked whom he liked more.....HB or his fans Triple S and he answered that he liked HB but loved TripleS ....then when his fans complained ........he said that because they were married thats the way it is in marriage.......The whole stadium was pindrop silent (way to go HJ)
Watch vid at 57 mins
SS501 fanmeet at 57 mins
2. MBC Awards ceremony 29-12-2008 :They both arrived together but HB had to rush in coz she was not dressed for the event.
They both gave away an award .....It was fine until......HB wore the sexiest dress ever and HJ being HJ totally didn't like it and it showed on his face but the attraction was still there as both were checking each other out through the corners of their eyes.
So there were a few weird fans ( like me) who somehow managed to go backstage and when they went to HB's dressing room...... they gave her flowers and called her beautiful...HB as usual was very nice and then voila HJ entered HB's dressing room was shocked and asked the fans to leave called the security etc and spoke quite informally with HB .
display link thread
official awards cut
Nervous HJ with sad muzik
Dance Fancam (hj smiles while getting guitar)
Award fancam
Red carpet with mad journalist
3.HJ attended YSMM in Jan 2009 its a show with one of HB's best friend KHD as host and may i add here that HB is very well known in the Korean E-circle..she practically knows all the celebs directly or indirectly and i can't even list the number of admirers she has........ too many i say (may be i will do another post for that).
Anyways HJ went to YSMM where he sang "I'm Fortunate"the same song he sang for HB . He said he would sing it to the girl he was interested in.
And he attended another show SangSang+ where when the host asked him "why were you so conservative with your buin" he replied "All men behave this way with their loved and treasured ones".
HB cyworld had a boy with Ji hoo's awful orange color too!!! HB's cyworld is very informative of what she thinks
Danghaenida at 6.45
Sang sang plus
4. When SS501 visited Taiwan........one of the members ...jungmin was playfully singing "get hot"by hwangbo and also did the dance step..HJ's expression was epic ...so later Jungmin was reprimanded and you can see in the second vid Jungmin was stoned.Meanwhile HB got to hangout with some of the coolest idols ever including Suju.......and she had loads of fun but she was always linked to HJ by the infinity girls.
get hot
stoned jungmin lol
5. SS501 were having their Persona tour and in July 2009 they went to Bangkok and at this concert Yongsaeng found a T-shirt with JB on it ....so he went running to HJ and he gave it and another backup dancer also gave a JB shirt .HJ did not take the shirt off his shoulders.
yong saeng @ 2.30
YS at 2.40
HJ's jb shirt @0.22 3.25 and exit with shirt can also see jins
6.August 2009...Hb came back with R2song.................she being the sexy diva not only took over Korea but also Europe.she won Mnet countdown for 5 weeks straight even defeating G-Dragon and F.T.Island. HJ was being an arse during this period..........proved to everyone that he doesn't deserve an angel like HB.He thought he was on the top of the world.
7.August 2009 ending HJ was reported to have contracted H1N1 Swine flu.............he was quarantined and isolated for 2 1/2 weeks ........in Japan...........He came down to the ground(literally shock landing)...........understood the ground reality of life........wrote down what he wanted to do .........marriage /kids..........planned everything out during the seclusion.HB was observed to be quite down during this period......she even was almost about to cry on a radioshow.........it was a bad time all in all.The world was going thru recession.........I was working my arse off somewhere on the other end of the planet.
8.HB had an accident on Sept 15 2009......... HJ was coming back from Japan the same day and he was supposed to go to Jeju directly but ended up coming to seoul .....ahh i don't ever want anything like this to happen to HB again .......................
9.SS501 were promoting their new album................HJ was very aloof from all the feminine company .......it stands out too much...........he attended a show with KARA he did not even look at them
MY personal FAV is "Ideal type Champagne" during that he had to choose between HYORI and HB ...........His eyes said it all..........he was happily smiling one moment the other they were filled with caution/pain/longing/........go figure.....
Ideal type video HB HR at 1.52
He was like this
Later he became like this
and baby didn't like it.....baby is the youngest member of ss501 and very close to HB
10.He attended Strong heart and gave KHD a heart attack.............rather than HJ's expressions watch out for KHD the round host............HJ strong heart ep 10
Hwangbo attended the previous epi..........they never are seen together..........Hwangbo strongheart ep 9
11. And in 2010 they handle stuff way too smoothly .......what to do and what not to do...........deep waters are still...............I think HJ's blog entry at DSP in may should have been taken seriously........He warned he will leave DSP and he did..........he also said he has a "surprise" in 2012.........i wonder what that is.......
12 .HJ joined the new company Keyeast.....did PK.......I dont like it.sorry PK fans
why"falling slowly"of all things ...............in playful kiss............
at 4.15
..........BUT BUT................HB for me its all about HB.She is doing great these days she is acting in a sitcom/Ohbamah/having a comeback this week.......ah i just adore her...........
My 2 cents about Hwangbo : Everyone says HJ is secretive/mysterious but for me it is HB...............who is impossible to read....she is so deep........i admire her a lot.......HJ kept throwing hints here and there but HB , she never ever had anything to do with him.........even during WGM it was HJ who was doing most of the emotional work out although Hb did all the physical work LOL...........They both knew how to key each other up..........I always found HB very fascinating.......she is a very deep person and at the same time an angel at heart............and personally i dont think HJ is stupid enough to let her go..........if that relationship doesnt work out then its only because HB said no ...........and never the vice versa........
There are too many things between them i may have missed out on but i am adding some nice spazzes by sharp eyed JBers/Hbers i am proud of them/love both soompi threads its EPIC!...........and they are jjang!!!!
"Perfect" people may think we are "wild fancy".....oh well then let us be!!!!!!
my fav
When HB recieved HJ sms on bday
Thanks to anon : This was at a radio broadcast and they were enacting a drama and as usual playful jungmin substituted the main female character's last name with "BO" and this was the reaction.........Actually there are too many radiobroadcast spazzes .......too many.....but i suppose you have to go to joongbo soompi thread for that. JB Soompi is like a huge galaxy while this post is just a meteor belt but both belong to the same universe.LOL!
June 2010: And last but not least Hwangbo attended a show called Womens ranking where many female celebrities attend and they have to rank each other and the guest lady said that she wanted to get to know hwangbo most out of all the celebs present there
Then the MC (he was the wgm mc ) asked her why?
And the guest lady replied that it was because she was very good friends with someone she liked
The mc asked her who it was...song eun ni but the lady said "NO its Kim Hyun Joong" and look at Hwangbo's reaction.Its priceless.The mc's expression was priceless too!
Then another lady who was Hwangbo's close friend commented that there was always this strange someone's scent that she can smell on HB..........HB just shyly smiled and did not comment !!!!
and this is what i think happened after mount halla.......these happened okay chingus.........the proof is in soompi......go search ...[ if anyone really has 1 week of free time they can go through all pages of soompi JB]
1. So HJ joined the remaining cast of BOF on 19th october....(WGM shoot finished on 16th oct) and started acting (its kinda cringy)
In other words he got carried aways by the schedule and his SS501 the 3 member unit launched a new album so he was busy trying to practice the "UR Man" dance moves or practicing to act .....which he really still needs to improve.
BUT BUT the only good thing in all this is there was a BTS cams of HJ during BOF filming where Hj was going on saying "Yalapongthai" and we all know the word has no meaning and that he calls only HB that.
HB was busy doing her stuff with "Infinity girls" and those girls used to shamelessly rag her about HJ on and off camera.
The vids are orange........just click and vid appears......mianhe most are TUDOU! YT is being YT
In the vid at 0.38 HJ is playing "falling slowly"as usual and forgot his lines LOL!
falling slowly vid BOF
Yalaponthai at 04:03
SS501 had their first fan meet where he was asked whom he liked more.....HB or his fans Triple S and he answered that he liked HB but loved TripleS ....then when his fans complained ........he said that because they were married thats the way it is in marriage.......The whole stadium was pindrop silent (way to go HJ)
Watch vid at 57 mins
SS501 fanmeet at 57 mins
2. MBC Awards ceremony 29-12-2008 :They both arrived together but HB had to rush in coz she was not dressed for the event.
They both gave away an award .....It was fine until......HB wore the sexiest dress ever and HJ being HJ totally didn't like it and it showed on his face but the attraction was still there as both were checking each other out through the corners of their eyes.
So there were a few weird fans ( like me) who somehow managed to go backstage and when they went to HB's dressing room...... they gave her flowers and called her beautiful...HB as usual was very nice and then voila HJ entered HB's dressing room was shocked and asked the fans to leave called the security etc and spoke quite informally with HB .
display link thread
official awards cut
Nervous HJ with sad muzik
Dance Fancam (hj smiles while getting guitar)
Award fancam
Red carpet with mad journalist
3.HJ attended YSMM in Jan 2009 its a show with one of HB's best friend KHD as host and may i add here that HB is very well known in the Korean E-circle..she practically knows all the celebs directly or indirectly and i can't even list the number of admirers she has........ too many i say (may be i will do another post for that).
Anyways HJ went to YSMM where he sang "I'm Fortunate"the same song he sang for HB . He said he would sing it to the girl he was interested in.
And he attended another show SangSang+ where when the host asked him "why were you so conservative with your buin" he replied "All men behave this way with their loved and treasured ones".
HB cyworld had a boy with Ji hoo's awful orange color too!!! HB's cyworld is very informative of what she thinks
Danghaenida at 6.45
Sang sang plus
4. When SS501 visited Taiwan........one of the members ...jungmin was playfully singing "get hot"by hwangbo and also did the dance step..HJ's expression was epic ...so later Jungmin was reprimanded and you can see in the second vid Jungmin was stoned.Meanwhile HB got to hangout with some of the coolest idols ever including Suju.......and she had loads of fun but she was always linked to HJ by the infinity girls.
get hot
stoned jungmin lol
5. SS501 were having their Persona tour and in July 2009 they went to Bangkok and at this concert Yongsaeng found a T-shirt with JB on it ....so he went running to HJ and he gave it and another backup dancer also gave a JB shirt .HJ did not take the shirt off his shoulders.
yong saeng @ 2.30
YS at 2.40
HJ's jb shirt @0.22 3.25 and exit with shirt can also see jins
6.August 2009...Hb came back with R2song.................she being the sexy diva not only took over Korea but also Europe.she won Mnet countdown for 5 weeks straight even defeating G-Dragon and F.T.Island. HJ was being an arse during this period..........proved to everyone that he doesn't deserve an angel like HB.He thought he was on the top of the world.
7.August 2009 ending HJ was reported to have contracted H1N1 Swine flu.............he was quarantined and isolated for 2 1/2 weeks ........in Japan...........He came down to the ground(literally shock landing)...........understood the ground reality of life........wrote down what he wanted to do .........marriage /kids..........planned everything out during the seclusion.HB was observed to be quite down during this period......she even was almost about to cry on a radioshow.........it was a bad time all in all.The world was going thru recession.........I was working my arse off somewhere on the other end of the planet.
8.HB had an accident on Sept 15 2009......... HJ was coming back from Japan the same day and he was supposed to go to Jeju directly but ended up coming to seoul .....ahh i don't ever want anything like this to happen to HB again .......................
9.SS501 were promoting their new album................HJ was very aloof from all the feminine company .......it stands out too much...........he attended a show with KARA he did not even look at them
MY personal FAV is "Ideal type Champagne" during that he had to choose between HYORI and HB ...........His eyes said it all..........he was happily smiling one moment the other they were filled with caution/pain/longing/........go figure.....
Ideal type video HB HR at 1.52
He was like this
Later he became like this
and baby didn't like it.....baby is the youngest member of ss501 and very close to HB
10.He attended Strong heart and gave KHD a heart attack.............rather than HJ's expressions watch out for KHD the round host............HJ strong heart ep 10
Hwangbo attended the previous epi..........they never are seen together..........Hwangbo strongheart ep 9
11. And in 2010 they handle stuff way too smoothly .......what to do and what not to do...........deep waters are still...............I think HJ's blog entry at DSP in may should have been taken seriously........He warned he will leave DSP and he did..........he also said he has a "surprise" in 2012.........i wonder what that is.......
12 .HJ joined the new company Keyeast.....did PK.......I dont like it.sorry PK fans
why"falling slowly"of all things ...............in playful kiss............
at 4.15
..........BUT BUT................HB for me its all about HB.She is doing great these days she is acting in a sitcom/Ohbamah/having a comeback this week.......ah i just adore her...........
My 2 cents about Hwangbo : Everyone says HJ is secretive/mysterious but for me it is HB...............who is impossible to read....she is so deep........i admire her a lot.......HJ kept throwing hints here and there but HB , she never ever had anything to do with him.........even during WGM it was HJ who was doing most of the emotional work out although Hb did all the physical work LOL...........They both knew how to key each other up..........I always found HB very fascinating.......she is a very deep person and at the same time an angel at heart............and personally i dont think HJ is stupid enough to let her go..........if that relationship doesnt work out then its only because HB said no ...........and never the vice versa........
There are too many things between them i may have missed out on but i am adding some nice spazzes by sharp eyed JBers/Hbers i am proud of them/love both soompi threads its EPIC!...........and they are jjang!!!!
"Perfect" people may think we are "wild fancy".....oh well then let us be!!!!!!
my fav
When HB recieved HJ sms on bday
![]() |
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co-owned earrings (all credit to ssclub at twitter) |
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These two share too many earrings i say |
![]() |
secret code rings.........too much speculation on this as HB wears it all the time!! |
Thanks to anon : This was at a radio broadcast and they were enacting a drama and as usual playful jungmin substituted the main female character's last name with "BO" and this was the reaction.........Actually there are too many radiobroadcast spazzes .......too many.....but i suppose you have to go to joongbo soompi thread for that. JB Soompi is like a huge galaxy while this post is just a meteor belt but both belong to the same universe.LOL!
June 2010: And last but not least Hwangbo attended a show called Womens ranking where many female celebrities attend and they have to rank each other and the guest lady said that she wanted to get to know hwangbo most out of all the celebs present there
Then the MC (he was the wgm mc ) asked her why?
And the guest lady replied that it was because she was very good friends with someone she liked
The mc asked her who it was...song eun ni but the lady said "NO its Kim Hyun Joong" and look at Hwangbo's reaction.Its priceless.The mc's expression was priceless too!
Then another lady who was Hwangbo's close friend commented that there was always this strange someone's scent that she can smell on HB..........HB just shyly smiled and did not comment !!!!
Impossible love??
What is so impossible about Love?
Nothing........but if its a fan dreaming of marrying his/her idol...........it is "IMPOSSIBLE"
So I was just going through Allkpop where i get my daily dose of Kpop gossip .... not that i need it in anyway......and noticed that Shinee's Jonghyun is dating Shin Sekyung ..........okay and as expected the whole fan drama that followed it ,closing down their cyber cafes...and blah.......
I just dont get the whole" frog in the well "scenario of these fans ......they dream about being married to their idol.Fine.but do they do anything about it?.NO.all they can do is sit infront of their comps and cry buckets of tears.
Its sometimes pathetic and very derogatory to mankind in general.Pining over another human being.dont get it at all.I just remembered seeing this fanmeet or rather the "last fanmeet of SS501 ".......I am not a huge fan of them......but then i do like my ship and a few of their songs......I think Kim Hyun Joong and Hwangbo look great together.And yes i want them to be together and all.But if theyre not ....okay good....I just want them to be happy.
So in that fanmeet i noticed that these girls are not even confident enough to show their faces and hide behind these signboards and what not..and hell they are super shy and cry a lot........what the hell is wrong with them.???
I very clearly remember the expression on Hyunjoong's face ...he detested it .The other members were too diplomatic and did not show it on their face.
I think the problem lies with the parents....and something is totally wrong with the system..........i never heard of such maniacal fans.
I think they should all put themselves in the celebs shoes and think......why would they fall in love with a fan and how.........where .........when......... ??
A Basic lack of ambition in life.
And the celebs............they should either totally hide it or just come out...................and if they are'nt together just say no we are not dating ...............sometimes i don't understand JOONGBO at all ..................whats with the whole hints/too many coincidences /matching accessories ........................whats with all that man!!!Oh well they just add more frustration to my life
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